Photo taken by Matt Ramey // @illegal.pictures

Keel and Company is the culmination of a love for mid-century furniture and design. Comprised of two founding members, Charlie Keeling and Keely Beal. Charlie and Keely spent the majority of their initial dates exploring their shared interest of design and furniture hunting. As their acquired collection outgrew their apartment's capacity, the pair decided to venture into a business partnership.

Keel and Company began operating as an online store, initally selling predominantly to friends and family. In the summer of 2020, they took the leap to open a brick-and-mortar pop-up location.After two years, Charlie and Keely decided to open their permanent flagship location at 111 Old Williamson Road Raleigh, NC. Keel and Company has undergone several iterations, continuing to evolve with the interests of Charlie and Keely, ranging between film set and production design to designing their own furniture. However, the primary goal remains the same, to source an eclectic mix of heirloom pieces for their clients.


Photo taken by Matt Ramey // @illegal.pictures

  • Founder

    Keely was born and raised in Halifax County, NC and moved to Raleigh, NC to attend North Carolina State University. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications while working in the hospitality industry.

    Keely’s ultimate passion is creating an environment that is welcoming and visually intriguing.


Photo taken by Matt Ramey // @illegal.pictures

  • Founder

    Charlie grew up on the outskirts of Raleigh, NC and began working in the service industry at fifteen. Charlie continued working at several of downtown Raleigh’s iconic establishments. His immense love of music lead him to work at a music venue while beginning his then side hustle -Keel and Company.

    Charlie enjoys the thrill in finding that perfect piece and restoring it to its full potential. To take something that has once served its purpose with one individual and provide a new life for it.