I am an abstract artist from Cary, North Carolina. I was trained in the Raleigh area by local artists sharing their knowledge. The one on one education had a special meaning which allowed me to learn about techniques and more importantly about putting one’s being into every work of art.

I have learned that in art, as in life, anything is possible. Art has allowed me to find a way to put up a mirror to the viewer and have them find themselves in my art.Expressing myself in abstract art has made me paint with my heart and not my mind and that is a wonderful thing.

Gallery showings

Litmus Gallery - Raleigh

311 Gallery – Raleigh

The Tipping Paint Gallery – Raleigh The Lucky Tree Gallery – Raleigh

Keel and Company -- Raleigh

One Martine Gallery – White Plains, NY Collette Lifestyle – The Hamptons, NY

You can follow more of Portanova’s work at @nickportanova